Local Government: Marketing Communications & Service Strategy
Work with Waltham Forest on a project in collaboration with Visit London and Airbnb to highlight the Borough's unique cultural heritage and encourage tourists to visit this historic London village.
Work with West Sussex County Council on two waste prevention initiatives including the Real Nappy initiative. Aimed at residents, the county offered cash-back incentive schemes to keep thousands of nappies from being dumped in landfills. Success saw a 10% reduction in the volume of disposable nappies in West Sussex’s daily landfill.
Work with the Department of Transport centered around educating young adults through a national advertising campaign about driving on country roads. The strategy also informed the future approach and education around obtaining a driver's license in the UK.
Work with the NHS supporting their goal of improving the patient experience. The transformational work defined the end-to-end, non-clinical service experience for patients at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital.
Working with central and local governments has been very rewarding. Local initiatives are often services-based and geared towards improving the everyday lives of citizens.